
After ten years of practicing individual and marriage therapy, I have developed an affinity for a few types of clients. This is probably one of those things you're not supposed to admit...kind of like how you're not supposed to have a a favorite child. But the truth is, while I enjoy all of my clients I have some favorite types of clients. For instance, I love working with couples who truly love each other but just don't know how to show it very well, or even at all (attachment issues). I love working with people dealing with anxiety and depression because there's so much room for improvement. I love being a part of someone's quest for freedom and life change! But my favorite type of client is what I will call the "rowdy girl."

She loves God but thinks she's too ______________ to be a "good Christian." Too opinionated. Too loud. Too strong-willed. Too messed up. Too easily angered. Made too many mistakes. Too. Much. Everything.Or so she thinks.This woman typically presents in my office as someone who's life "just isn't working anymore." Her love for her husband and/or kids may have grown cold. She may have just lost a significant relationship due to her mouthy ways. She's typically pretty anxious and frustrated, and feels like she doesn't "fit" in her own life. Lots of comparison between herself and all the women who seem to have it more together than she does.

I LOVE a woman like this. And God does, too. I believe he has a special place in his heart for rowdy women. And here's why:Typically, it's a heart of justice that comes out of a rowdy woman. When something doesn't feel right, she will say so! If someone needs defending, she is first in line! God made her to be boisterous and to lead out in what is right. Sure, there's room for growth in terms of maturity, knowing which battles to pick and getting some tact, but God didn't make a mistake by putting a lot of passion inside of a woman like this. What can sometimes be destructive and like "a bull in a china shop" can be directed to be a mighty force of love and protection and goodness for those around her.

There are a million ways to be a godly woman. Being meek and quiet is not the ONLY way. You are not the odd (wo)man out. You're not bad at being a Christian. You just haven't found your rhythm yet. The answer might lie in being MORE of you instead of trying to suppress your God-given personality and conforming to what you think you're supposed to be. The body of Christ needs more women like you. You are non-judgmental. You are quick to offer grace. Quick to love. Quick to protect. Quick to speak truth. God made you a fighter. Let's find the right things for you to fight FOR.

Come meet with me - we need to work some things out so that what God meant for good in you isn't overshadowed by your flesh. But let there be no mistake: there's a way to be You and bring so much glory to God.Most of all, the reason I know God has a special place in his heart for rowdy women is that I am a (somedays formerly, somedays currently) rowdy woman! And I believe that God has a special place in his heart for me.Let's flesh this topic (or any other) out together at one of my offices in Denham Springs, Walker or Baton Rouge.

Spring Life Counseling LLC


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